Venezuelan Social Housing Program Reaches Five Million Dwellings

President Nicolas Maduro (C), June 6, 2024. Photo: X/ @CC_Irreverente
June 7, 2024 Hour: 1:09 pm
The economic war against the Bolivarian nation couldn’t stop the Housing Mission, President Maduro pointed out.
On Thursday, President Nicolas Maduro delivered the 5,000,000th house built through the Great Mission Venezuela Housing, a social program initiated by late President Hugo Chavez in 2011.
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“We have reached the five million milestone. Now we’re aiming for three million additional homes,” the Bolivarian leader said as he handed over the new house to a family in the Che Guevara neighborhood of the Jose Gregorio Bastidas parish, in the state of Lara.
“I knew this day would come. They waged war against us but couldn’t stop the Housing Mission. We will keep moving forward, persevering,” he added.
Over the past 13 years, the Great Mission Venezuela Housing has worked in conjunction with citizen organizations to achieve its goals, Housing Minister Ildemaro Villarroel explained.
It took four years and eight months to deliver the first million houses. Subsequently, this social program accelerated its efforts to reach the delivery of five million homes.
On Thursday, President Maduro visited the El Maizal commune where the population enthusiastically took to the streets to show their support with chants and music. At that location, the Bolivarian leader announced the appointment of Angel Prado as the new Minister of Communes and Social Movements.
“I need a leader who comes from the grassroots and has a successful project like the El Maizal Commune to lead the construction of communes and communal councils,” Maduro said.
In the Simon Planas municipality, the Bolivarian leader also participated in the launch of the Winter Planting Plan 2024-2025.
“Venezuela is going to be a powerhouse in organic food production. We will be highly valued in the world for producing healthy foods. We overcame the shortages induced by the economic war. And we did it with products from this miraculous land,” he emphasized.
In the state of Lara, Maduro also approved new funding for entrepreneurs of the Great Mission Venezuela Woman and the Great Mission Venezuela Young.